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b1-img.jpgAmerican Cockroach ( Periplaneta Americana)

-     Length: 25-40mm
-       Shining red-brown in color
-       Wings longer than the body in male, only just overlap abdomen in female
-       Prefer “Runs” but may fly at high temperatures
-       The ootheca (egg case) containing 6-28 eggs is carried by the female for several days before being deposited

         and hatch in 1-2months

 -       Nymphs usually develop in 5 months and up to 15 months

-       Generally activity in drains, building’s basement, pipe ducts and etc.


b2-img.jpgOriental Cockroach (Blatta Orientalis)

-    Length 25-30mm
-       Dark brown to black in color
-       The wings undeveloped in female and cover 3/4 length of the abdomen in the male
-       Runs rather than flies

-       Females deposit 16 eggs in an oothecal (egg case) *Hatch in 2 months
-       Nymphs takes 5-9 months to develop into adults
-       Found indoors but can tolerate lower temperatures so can also be found outdoors


b3-img.jpgGerman Cockroach (Blatella Germanica)

-    Length 12-15mm
-       Brown with 2 dark stripes on thorax
-       The wing are as long as the body or slightly overlapping in both sexes
-       Runs and climbs (sticky pads on the feet)
-       Females carry 35-40 eggs in an oothecal (egg case) until they are ready to hatch in a month time
-       Nymphs takes between 6 weeks to 6 months to develop in adults
-       Prefers high temperatures and humidifies (e.g. kitchen)
-       Nocturnal and Omnivorous